#12: If you're not working together, you're working apart.

Relationships can sometimes split because of the inability to cope together.  I am living proof of this. 

I have found that for me, it was impossible to devote myself entirely to my partner when a huge peice of my heart was shattered.  I chose to be broken alone and suffer in silence. 

The person I was the day prior to my son dying, isn't the person I was the day after.  Aiden's life, and his subsequent death changed me.  All of me.   

Communication is often lost, because WE don't even know what to tell ourselves after tragedy strikes.

I have found that it is important to lean on one another and to hold hands as you push through. Even sitting in silence and blanketing one another from the cold, unrealistic pain of bereavement can be a great form of comfort, understanding AND communication.