#9: The rough patches will come with more days between them.

When Aiden first died, every single moment of every single day was a struggle; I was living in a permanent 'rough patch'.

I hated going to sleep; the dreams were aweful. I hated waking up; waking up was a constant reminder that Aiden was no longer there.

I don't believe that time heals all wounds. I do, however, believe that time gives us space to put emotions in perspective and learn to cope, to 'deal'.

Six years later, I can say Aiden's name without sobbing, I can speak about SIDS without falling into a bout of depression, I can talk about my experience without falling to pieces.

There are still times, especially when I am alone, that missing him becomes overwhelming. I then refer back to #1, and tell myself, its okay to cry. I have come to accept that a 'cure' or a fix-all for myself, isn't in the cards. I have come to finally accept that I will miss him always and love him that much more.

Please trust in that you will learn to allow yourself to have moments of joy again, and those rough patches will come with more days in between them.